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Company Formation – Setting Yourself Up For Success

Where business made easy

Are you a budding entrepreneur, just waiting to break it big? Do you have tons of business ideas swirling around your mind, but lack the knowledge of what steps you should take now? Or perhaps you have started your own closet industry and have expanded to the point that it is time to consider forming a larger company? If any of these sound like you, then it is high time that you got some information about company formation, so that you can make an informed decision before taking the next steps! There are a number of ways to hang your shingle in the UK, and it is important that you choose the best set up for your needs.

It is important to note that there are approximately 10 different classes of business that you can register in the UK at the start of company formation. Not all types of business are qualified for all of these types of companies, so researching the different kinds is an important first step. Ranging from CIC's, or Community Interest Companies, that aim to use their proceeds for the public good to a general partnership between two or more people, where all parties are entirely liable for any debts or liabilities to a limited company, wherein each partner is limited to only the original capital that they invested when it comes to liability.

Moat small businesses benefit the most greatly from going through the company formation process needed to become a limited company. There are relatively few businesses that truly fall under the CIC distinction and unless there is only a sole proprietor involved with an exceptionally small risk of liability an unlimited company provides more personal risk than most people can reasonably accept. A limited company allows an organization to operate as it needs to while still affording the owners of the company a modicum of protection, should something ill come to pass.

A limited company can be either private, wherein shares are only available to the partners involved in the formation of the company or public, wherein shares can be sold to the public. Depending upon the size and manner of your business, you may opt for one or the other during the process of company formation.

For more information regarding the benefits of forming a UK limited company, visit http://www.bestcompanyformation.com today. There you will find information on the different options that you have available to you, the forms that you will need to fill out for each type and professional advice on how to proceed.

Author: Stephen Adeyemi
Article Source: EzineArticles.com
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