ACRA has rolled out the Colour-coded Compliance Rating and Certificate of Compliance initiatives on 24 April 2010, with the aim of inculcating a culture of voluntary compliance amongst the locally incorporated companies.
The factors for assessing the compliance are based on 3 statutory requirements (under the Companies Act), namely the
(1) Timely holding of Annual General Meeting (AGM) [Section 175],
(2) Laying of up to date financial statements at AGM [Section 201] and
(3) Timely filing of Annual Return (AR) [Section 197].
If your company is filing / had filed the AR in full XBRL format (i.e. Option A) within the prescribed period under Section 197 of the Companies Act, for AGM which was held within 1 month after the prescribed period under Section 175 and/or Section 201 of the Companies Act, it may still receive a as its compliance rating.
Similarly, if your company had held the AGM within the prescribed period under Section 175 and Section 201 of the Companies Act but is filing / had filed its AR in full XBRL format (i.e. Option A) within 1 month after the prescribed period under Section 197 of the Companies Act, it may also receive a as its compliance rating.
quoted from acra website