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Category: business

Where business made easy

Incentives to Incorporate in Singapore – Why Entrepreneurs Choose Singapore For Company Formation

With a reputation for “getting things done” and being the world leader in foreign trade and investment, it is certain that Singapore has a backbone of infrastructure, policy and culture by which businesses can prosper. Singapore is not only the easiest place to do business in the world (according to Doing Business 2009 Report) but it is also the most competitive country in Asia (according to the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report).

Incorporate A Company With Company Formation Agent

UK company formation agent has online service providing system. They are accessible over the Internet. The speed of forming a company gets speedier if it is incorporated online.

Financial Reporting & Auditing in Singapore

Key accounting rules, regulations and things to keep in mind when doing business in Singapore. The Accounting, Tax and Auditing Laws of Singapore are unique and the Financial Landscape in Singapore is well recognized as an international financial hub for Asia.

Singapore, The Cheapest Place to Start a Business in Asia

Among the industrialized countries, many new and growing businesses nowadays chose Singapore primarily because of its reputation and stability in terms of economic and facility. Other needs to reposition their office in a competitive trading nation for added sales and reliability.” According to World Bank, “Singapore is the cheapest place to start a business in Asia.”

Singapore – The Real Asian Giant

From a geographic point of view, Singapore is a tiny little country in the Asia-Pacific region. To be precise, it is situated off the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula. With a total square kilometer area of only about 710 km, it is clearly one of the smallest countries in the region.

Why Entrepreneurs From India Should Consider Incorporating in Singapore

In this era of globalization, Asia is developing as a major player in the world economic scenario. The inter-dependency of various nations is becoming an integral part of the growth and development process of a country. In this context, relations between Singapore and India is also witnessing some positive influences.

Incorporation and Limited Liability Company Formation in the UK

The essentials required of a new limited liability company formation in the UK by incorporation and registration at Company House. Tax advantages and disadvantages of incorporation at current rates of corporation tax of a limited liability company and the protection a limited liability company offers to individuals considering incorporation

Singapore – Open For Business

The world is shrinking. If you are looking for a place to locate your business, consider Singapore. The economy is strong and the environment inviting. This article considers five factors every business should consider before choosing a location.

Form a Singapore Company – What Are the Legal Requirements?

A lot of both local and foreign entrepreneurs chooses to form a Singapore company for several reasons. A Singapore company offers several benefits to owners, or more correctly referred to as shareholders, especially when it comes to tax advantages, bankruptcy protection, and limited liability to business-related debts.

Company Formation – Choosing the Right Jurisdiction

A number of factors need to be considered and deliberated upon while setting up an offshore business. In order to choose the right business jurisdiction, critical elements such as the business environment, costs involved, ease of company formation, ease of ongoing compliance, bureaucracy levels, and tax regime need to be taken into account.