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+65 9066 6581

Accounting Services

Where business made easy

Accounting & Bookkeeping Services

Timely and accurate financial information is crucial for company to maintain a competitive advantage in today’s dynamic business environment. We provide a full range of computerized accounting services, bookkeeping services for companies who require a proper and complete set of financial statements including:

  • Full set accounts on monthly, quarterly or year basic
  • Group consolidation and preparation of annual report
  • Prepare financial reporting packages for management
  • Bank and other account reconciliation and audit schedules
  • GST advisory and reporting
  • Payroll services
  • General account filing and preparation

Benefits of outsourcing accounting and bookkeeping

  • Free-up management from administrative tasks to focus on higher-level finance decision-making
  • Access to established external accounting expertise anytime
  • Accounting staff turnover will not affect much of your operation
  • Financial information including payroll data will by more confidential to internal staff
  • Better performance through use of professional service firm
  • Cost effective for your company